Eat Drink and Be Hopeful…Part 2

And so it begins. Again…

Back in 2009 I started a blog, Eat, Drink, and Be Hopeful..where I posted everything from food, wine, and traveling to dating, break ups and make ups.  I put my whole life on that blog, met some great people who became awesome friends, and attended some really fun food and wine events.

However, I left my job as a wine consultant in 2012 to start a new job as a sales rep for a food distributor, but I never really knew how much time would be devoted to my work.  The food industry never really sleeps, and either did I (mainly from anxiety from work).  So eventually I had to give my blogging fingers a rest and say goodbye to Eat, Drink, and Be Hopeful (which is now taken over by someone else -for anyone who is still subscribed to it).

I have worked really hard these past 2+ years, and wasn’t really sure the direction I wanted my career to go.  I was confused, torn, over worked, anxious, tired, frustrated with my job and upset with myself that I had lost friends, my social life, my gym routine, and even my dating life.  So I did a lot of soul searching, and I realized I needed change. Something big. Something that was going to really make an impact on my life.  The current position I was in at my company was coming to any end due to some restructuring at work, and I wasn’t sure the career path I wanted to take.  My apartment lease is up at the end of October, I’m single, I have no kids, and there is one thing I’ve wanted to do for many years…TRAVEL!


Which brings me to the present.  I made a decision that was going to change my life.  And if you know me-you know I don’t make decisions easily.   I bought a one way ticket to Thailand and started planning a trip through South East Asia for 3+ months.  (I told my parents 3 months to keep them happy, but I’m not putting a time limit on this trip. 😉 ) Thailand –> Laos –> Vietnam –> Cambodia —->Bali. I gave my notice at work, I am packing up my apartment to put it in storage, and I leave for the trip of a lifetime on October 31!


As I was planning this trip, I started reading travel blogs and remembered how much I missed blogging.  So I decided to start one back up documenting, again, all my delicious eats, drinks, travel destinations, and everything else in between.  I am so sad to leave the food industry and my customers, but I know for a fact I will be back.  Hopefully rested, relaxed, and better than ever to dive into the amazing food world again, but hopefully with more balance this time.



I believe everything in life happens for a reason, and up till now, everything in my life has fallen into place just the way it is supposed to.  And I don’t doubt that will stop now. The Best is Yet To Come!




5 thoughts on “Eat Drink and Be Hopeful…Part 2

  1. Tina Paolantonio says:

    Wow! Congratulations, you’ve blown me away woman! I am so proud of your brave decision. IGF will certainly feel the void once you leave.

    I look forward to reading about your voyages. Have a blast!

    Best wishes,

    Tina Paolantonio

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